Conspiracy Industry to Improve Quality and Efficiency Special Machine Tool Branch Holds 2018 Meeting in Changsha
Published:2019-01-14 Views:548 Print

On November 22, the Special Processing Machine Tool Branch of China Machine Tool and Tool Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as “Special Machine Tool Branch”) held its 2018 annual meeting in Changsha, Hunan Province. More than 90 representatives from more than 70 branches of the special processing industry in China attended the meeting. Chairman Mao Yufeng and supervisor Wang Xu of China Machine Tool and Tool Industry Association attended and directed the meeting. Chairman Wu Guoxing and Secretary-General Lu Zhiliang presided over the opening ceremony and keynote report of the meeting respectively.

Secretary-General Lu Zhiliang reported on the work of Special Processing Machine Tool Branch in 2018, and looked forward to the work of the Branch in 2019. The Branch will continue to serve member enterprises as the goal, strive to carry out the work of the Association, strengthen the organization construction, and actively carry out the work of group standard declaration, standard publicity and consistency, so as to further promote the quality and efficiency of the industry.

Mao Yufeng made a deep analysis of the market environment from the demand side and the supply side in his report on the current situation and development trend of the machine tool industry, and put forward some thoughts on the trend and development of the industry in the fourth quarter. Mao Yufeng said that in 2018, the production cost of machine tool industry enterprises grew too fast and the market pressure was too high. Then the downward pressure of demand will be further increased, which will accelerate the upgrading of industrial structure.

Wu Guoxing made the report “Economic Operation Analysis of Electric Machining Machine Tool Industry”. On the basis of statistical data collected from member units, the overall operation situation of China’s electrical processing industry was introduced, the market demand of various types of electrical processing machine tools was analyzed, and the development trend of the industry was prospected. Wu Guoxing said that in 2018, the operation of the electro-processing industry was stable and steadily rising, the transformation and upgrading of industry enterprises, upgrading of quality and efficiency have achieved preliminary results, while in the adverse circumstances of Sino-US trade friction, it also maintained a better export situation. As a subdivision area of manufacturing industry, there are also difficulties in the transformation of EDM machine tool industry. It is suggested to strengthen the training of talent team, gradually improve the quality of machine tool products by scientific and technological innovation, and improve the technical level and equipment level of EDM industry. At the same time, it is advisable to actively embrace the new national environmental protection policy, assume more social responsibility, and develop more green EDM machine tools and processes. Industry development contributes.


Three special reports were arranged at the meeting: Professor Gong Jilai, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hunan University, “Eco-environmental Protection Promotes High-quality Economic Development in China”; Technical Director, Huagong Laser Technology Co., Ltd., and Professor-level Gaogong Lufeixing’s “Current Situation and Typical Applications of Domestic Laser Equipment”; and Wu Shunjie, Marketing Director, Keynes (China) Co., Ltd. Application of Keynes Microscope/Measurement System in Precision Machining.

In accordance with the relevant resolutions, the meeting adjusted the member units, issued the certificate of “certified products up to standard” for the electrical processing machine tools in 2018, and conducted enterprise exchanges.


