The Symposium on Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up of Machinery Industry was held in Beijing
Published:2019-01-14 Views:692 Print

On the morning of December 20, 2018, the Symposium on celebrating the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up of machinery industry was held in Beijing. The theme of the conference is to review the 40-year development course of the reform and opening-up of machinery industry, to display and exchange the 40-year development achievements and experiences of the reform and opening-up, to talk freely about the development ideas and prospects of machinery industry in the new era, to stimulate fighting spirit and cohesive force, and to promote the innovation and development of machinery industry.

In order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up and better publicize the development achievements of machinery industry and enterprises, since March this year, the CPC Committee of China Unified Online has formulated a series of activities on five themes in accordance with the requirements of the central deployment. At present, system units have organized activities such as “40 years of reform and opening-up and achievements collection and display”, “selection of outstanding products in machinery industry”, “selection of trees by 100 craftsmen” and “celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up and 69th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China” to fully demonstrate the development achievements and spiritual outlook of industry and system units. This symposium is the last important part of a series of thematic propaganda activities organized by the CPC Committee of China Unified Machinery Union.

At the meeting, President Wang Ruixiang delivered a keynote speech entitled “Reform and Innovation, Move Forward and Build a Powerful Machinery Country with High Quality Development”. The speech reviewed the historic changes and great achievements of China’s machinery industry in the past 40 years of reform and opening up from six aspects. This paper summarizes four enlightenments: insisting on market orientation is the inevitable requirement of deepening reform; insisting on opening to the outside world must make good use of two markets and two resources; insisting on independent innovation is the driving force for achieving rapid development; insisting on strengthening the construction of soft power to enhance competitiveness in an all-round way. It is emphasized that these experiences and Enlightenments not only accumulate valuable wealth for the industry, but also provide endless impetus for the new round of development of machinery industry.

Faced with the new era, President Wang proposed that on the basis of earnestly summing up the 40-year experience of the reform and opening-up of machinery industry and considering the new requirements of the new era, we should plan for the development of the industry on how to learn and implement Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the speech at the Congress celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up to accelerate the realization of high-quality development. We should focus on the imbalance and insufficiency of “big but not strong” in the development of machinery industry. Guided by Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, guided by the new development concept and the strategic idea of scientific development and high-quality development, we should take the improvement of supply-side structural reform as the main line, take the promotion of quality change, efficiency change and power change as the grasp, continue to adhere to innovation-driven, quality improvement, integration of two modernizations and intelligent transformation. We should adhere to the principles of opening up, upgrading and coordinated development, focus on steady growth, restructuring, changing modes, making up for shortcomings, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry so as to realize the transformation from big to strong. Five key tasks are put forward: first, to set up the ideological concept of high-quality development, to take the realization of high-quality development as a long-term guiding ideology in the industry, to firmly deepen the reform and expand the confidence and determination of opening up; second, to define the basic point of high-quality development, problem-oriented, and strive to solve the problem of quality and efficiency of industry development, insisting that development is the absolute principle; Steady growth is the top priority; the three is to identify the implementation path of high quality development, and concentrate on three major articles: “adjusting structure, reinforcing short boards and changing energy”; accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the industry; and four, broadening the business areas of high quality development, enhancing the level of integration and development of opening up, implementing the “one belt and one way” construction, and strengthening international production capacity and equipment manufacturing cooperation. Fifthly, we should consolidate and improve the effective working system, form a win-win cooperation working mechanism, and form a fate community conducive to the service industry and its own development. Strengthen the Party’s construction and realize the high-quality development of trade associations.

At the meeting, former Vice-Minister Lu Yansun of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, Executive Vice-President Dong Yang of China Automobile Industry Association, Executive Vice-President Liu Changsheng of China Electrical Appliance Industry Association, Executive Vice-President and Secretary-General of China Engineering Machinery Industry Association, Su Zimeng and General Economist Liu Zuqing of China Machinery Industry Group Co., Ltd. made speeches on behalf of the old leaders, key industries and enterprises of machinery industry. From different perspectives and different fields, this paper reviews and summarizes the achievements of China’s machinery industry in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, and puts forward the next development ideas and prospects.

Yuqingdu, executive vice president of China Unicom, released the tree selection list of “40 anniversary of reform and opening up – outstanding products of machinery industry”, and Yang Xuetong, executive vice president, released the tree selection list of “100 craftsmen of machinery industry”. At the same time, the venue showcased the achievements of 40 years of reform and opening-up in the fields of machinery industry and automobile, machine tool, electrician, heavy machinery, general machinery, agricultural machinery, construction machinery, printing machinery, refrigeration and air-conditioning, internal combustion engine, bearing, industry quality, etc.

The symposium was presided over by Xue Yiping, Executive Vice President of China Unicom. More than 120 people attended the meeting, including leaders of Beijing Machinery Industry Association, Society and China Machinery Association, relevant leaders of China Machinery Group, comrades in charge above the headquarters of China Machinery Association and journalists of news media. Relevant leaders of China Machine Tool Industry Association attended the meeting.
