Machine Tools | January-October Operation of the Industry continues to slow down
Published:2019-01-14 Views:489 Print

According to the statistics of the first 10 months of 2018 and the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the main business income and total profit of the whole industry and its sub-industries are still in the growth range, but the growth rate has continued the downward trend since the second half of the year. The overall operation of the machine tool industry has slowed down, the market demand has continued to decline, and the downward pressure has increased. Because of the good foundation in the first half of the year, it is still expected to achieve a small growth in the whole year.

In October, China’s economy ran smoothly on the whole, but changed steadily. Uncertainty factors in the external environment increased, and it was facing pressure of growth. Although the investment in fixed assets of the whole society increased by 5.7% from January to October, 0.3 percentage points faster than that of January to September, of which industrial investment increased by 5.8%, manufacturing investment increased by 9.1%, and 0.4 percentage points faster, the investment growth rate of automobile manufacturing industry as the main user of machine tool products in January to October was 3.2%, which was lower than that of the whole society in the same period by 2.5 percentage points.

Generally speaking, macroeconomic and recent policy measures are still conducive to the smooth development of the machine tool industry, but the Sino-US trade friction has brought some impact, as well as the decline in investment in automobile manufacturing industry, stagnation of growth and other conditions also bring greater pressure on the market demand of the machine tool industry. It is suggested that industry enterprises should pay close attention to market changes and development in light of their own conditions, and take corresponding countermeasures.
